Thursday, March 15, 2012

If people would get massaged more often, this world would be a better place!

I had a wonderful day and I love feeling happy and just appreciate the amazing gift that Life is!
First of all I had a doctor appointment, just a check up and we all forget how HEALTH is the most important thing we have and I am just so thankful that I am healthy and strong.
Than I went to trade massage with one of my massage therapist friend, and  realized that this world would be a better place if people would get massaged more often!
All you have to do is breathe relax and let go of all the worries.
It felt amazing!
I do believe I have the greatest job :)
Than I realized that the waves got here earlier than I thought so of course I went surfing and It was just amazing! The water is finally totally clean, waves were perfect and glassy... after I got in from the ocean this is what I got to see from my gazebo....

ALOHA to all and spreading the love universally! 

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